English, asked by KJTRON7, 1 year ago

Paragraph writing on caught a pickpocket


Answered by Anonymous

Being your essay....................

I cannot say exactly whether he caught me or I caught him, but I was made the hero of the day. It all happened when I was travelling in a local bus. It was packed to capacity. Some commuters were virtually hanging on the rails. I was trying to move forward to seek a comfortable place. Suddenly, I saw a man putting his hands in the back pocket of another passenger. First, I grew nervous but soon I calmed down and alerted other passengers. They caught him red handed. He struggled hard to get away from them. He showed his empty hands to plead innocence. I refuted his claim and told everyone that I had seen him putting his hands in the back pocket of one of the passengers. The pick-pocket caught me by the collar and challenged me to prove it. I struggled hard to get myself free but his grip was very tight. Some passengers spoke in his favour and called me a liar.

In the meanwhile, the driver changed the route and took the bus to the police station. I cursed my foolishness because that healthy man had started dragging me. I was in tears and sought help from other passengers. The bus reached the police station. Policemen put a cordon round the bus. The driver reported the whole matter to the police. The sub-inspector caught hold of the pick-pocket and took him to the investigation room. I sat in the reporting room. The police checked the record and found out that he was the most notorious pickpocket of the area. He confessed many other crimes also.

The policeman offered me a glass of water. I washed my face and relaxed. Next day, my name was published in all the newspapers for the remarkable bravery I had shown for nabbing an anti-social element.

Answered by ayankhan901


on the day I saved a pickpockets life essay

last Sunday begin like any other a couple of hours after breakfast I decided to go for a swim at the nearest swimming pool the school is only a short bus ride away from my home at board it a bus and got a seat by the window as it was not too crowded I block in my earphones and was soon lost with the latest pop tunes I looked out of the window as taking in family since I was busy at mairang the last post monsoon greenery of my part of the town will certainly through my earphones I hear a loud commotion behind me

I was about to look when the best break harshly and stretch to a halt I recover my balance and turnaround I saw lady culture in her purse with the very often look and the bus conductor holding a thin man when looked very scared crowd began to form around them I join them the lady was shouting now you won't even let us travel in bus on a Sunday morning in peace all themes belong in jail she was saying it become clearer than men detained by the conductor had tried left the purse out of the ladies that the conductor is spotted him in and name in him before he could do deed.other passenger party school re man also felt it was a tank step in one mouse tension mat player everybody should check their belongings is anything missing this led to a flurry of an open of wax and acting of pocket I looked at the man years was chasing down his face. he was wearing a shirt bare shirt and a favourite pair of trousers taking a closer look at him I realise he must be very young Bareilly out of his team's despite his action I couldn't help but feel sorry for him main why is there were getting worse he toured The man with the mouse tash out why did you do it tell us why did pickpocket should barely speak. started stammering at which the man slapped him other looks ready to express their and by sponsoring the one wrongdoer that managed to catch.

I didn't want to watch I had a sick feeling in my stomach no matter what he had done wasn't it is better to let the law take it course instead of waiting him black and blue wizard he could hardly have the been a habitual criminal if he thought if it was a good idea in probability in broad daylight in a bus that wasn't even crowded in my mind I decided he must have a strong reason like hungry brother and sister at home I have done it suddenly I remember that I could actually into one they are there have been a presentation in my school a month ago which taught us how to reach the police in case of emergency I quickly took out my phone and dial 100 when the operator pickup I quickly explain the situation without within another 5 minutes we could hear the bearing size of the police I heaved a sigh of relief as uniform police officer boarded the bus. DJ wala chudi people mein big pocket out about Taking the law into their on hands . James patterson you can be put in for this kind of behaviour and we cannot beat anyone up she was looking at the loud man with the master si I was happy to see he was suitable in breast and even seem a little ashamed of himself.

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