paragraph writing on examinations a necessary evil
Even ten angles cry aloud before the examination. It is only man who repeatedly takes the examination.
This may sound philosophical. But this is a also reality to the day.
Examinations are an age-old practice of evaluating students’ god had tested the devotion of Ibrahim. But the modern system of examination is the gift of the British rule.
From of examination today: prior notice regarding the date and programme of the examination; many students curse it; the examination sets the students’ heart pounding; however, students concentrate on studies with longer hours; date approaches; question-papers distributed by the invigilators; certain number of the questions to be done in allotted hours; answer -books given to examiners; evolution and allotment of marks; result published….
Why examinations are taken: to test a student’s mental ability and knowledge.
Why examinations are necessary: to make students work-fear of failure and humiliations; to know the comparative merit of students and place them accordingly in their careers….