English, asked by jatinagrawal3393, 9 months ago

Paragraph Writing On God Helps Those Who Help Themselves


Answered by stargirlA1



“God helps those who help themselves”, this English proverb was written by someone to make people understand the importance of hard work, patience and determination. In this world, many people are there who believe that God will come and solve their all problems in a moment. If we trust on God then we are not wrong but if we depend on God then we are completely wrong. God always favour those people who at least try or initiate for doing their tasks. Man mind is combination of two individual thoughts; one is positive and other is negative. The thought which is more powerful and dominating, develops and create an individual personality. A person, who has faith in God, will always in favour of positivity and does not let the negative thoughts dominate. And this mental strength due to believe in God is automatically a kind of help from God for human being.

God will help you but you have to first initiate, this is the biggest truth of life and everyone is somehow relate with this. Without starting up of any work, how can you even imagine its completion? Some people have a blind faith on God that someday God will appear and solve their problem one by one, but they have to realize that they are themselves who can help them, no one else. Since starting till the completion of any task, it requires your complete attention, hard work and patience.

Here is a story on this phrase “God helps those who help themselves”. Once upon a time there was a person, who was the true believer of God. Some day unfortunately he was drowning in the river. While drowning, a branch of tree came on his way, he could hold it but refused because he was in confusion that God will himself appear and save him from drowning. After some time he found a log floating nearby but he again refused to hold it and third time a boat came on his way. The boatman offered him help but still he refused to take help, thus after some time he died due to drowning. In heaven, when he met to God, he asked why God has not saved him from drowning then God replied that I offered you help three times in form of a branch of tree, a log and a boat but all the time you refused to take help. Then tell me what else I could do for you. Then he realized that God give us chance but it’s our responsibility to grab and utilize it in right manner. From this example, we can easily understand that “God helps those who help themselves”.

We are human being and blessed with physical power and mental strength. If we will not use our capabilities in right manner then our life is completely useless. God has always indirectly shown us a right path using different ways but to walk on that path is our duty. If we would not still understand his indication then nothing and no one can help us. We need to perform well in life; doors of success will automatically open for us.


A human life is full of difficulties and struggles which they have to face at different stages. We just need to have patience and determination. Never give up and never lose your faith from God, he will surely guide you by giving some kind of sign. But, it is required that you do not leave to do efforts until you don’t get success.

Answered by Rocky1951
‘God Helps Those Who Help Themselves‘. This proverb has two elements. The first relates to human beings. It means that human beings should try to sort out their own problems. The second relates to God and means that God will help human beings who do this. So, overall it means that God will help us if we first try to sort out things for ourselves.

This phrase is believed to have been coined by Algernon Sidney. Sidney was a political theorist writing in the early modern era in England. However, some people know this phrase through an even more famous person. This is Benjamin Franklin. In a work called Poor Richard’s Almanac, Franklin used this phrase. This work was published in 1736. You may see people referring to Franklin as if he was the originator of the phrase.

This saying stresses the value of taking action to improve our lives. It encourages us to take action to improve our lives. It also encourages us to trust in God’s help. In the workplace, hard work will get results. In studies, putting in the effort will get us better grades.

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