Paragraph writing on online teaching learning
Answer: Online learning is education that takes place over the Internet. It is often referred to as “elearning” among other terms. However, online learning is just one type of “distance learning” -the umbrella term for any learning that takes place across distance and not in a traditional classroom. Thousands of people turned to online teaching them to complete their education to rise to the high level in their jobs and them to take qualifying courses or improve their level of education .It has influence in our society such as helped a lot of people who can not come to the seat of education, and it has its pros such as gives us with an chance to develop technology skills for teachers and students, and cons such as It is known that online education is not for all people, not for the uncontrolled educated or inflexible instructors , and there is a difference between online education and traditional education, and it has types.It is highly important to say that learning is no longer confined within the four walls of a classroom. The instructor, armed with a textbook, is no longer the sole source of educational experience. It is also known that Information resources are everywhere, often separated from the learner by time and space. Online Education defines the process of connecting learners with these remote resources. No one can deny that Learning is a lifelong pursuit where training and retraining become strategies for both individual and corporate success. It is noted that there are a variety of Online Education solutions for every educational need. It is thought that some people agree that Online Education has come a long way and opened new vistas in the field of education, some researchers are still questioning the value of learning through non traditional means. Whatever is the case, there are various opinions to consider and they are all true in their own right.
Online Education can be defined as a media based, remote, or asynchronous and supported by some instructional systems, it vans also be defined as it is a formalized teaching and learning system dedicated Because it can learn through electronic media and the Internet, and online education low cost and do not require specific places for education.
One of the most important benefits of Online Education is that beneficial for gifted and slower Students for many reasons such as : one hand, Provides advanced education and good for all ages, especially for students who have been deprived of the school environment . On the other hand, it provides students with individualized Online Education classes allow interactive. Stimulate and support and boost the morale of students that will enable them to progress in our time. Help develop and expand the horizons of children from gifted students through improved curricula.
On the other hand, one can not deny that online education works to save money, and one of its advantages. While in traditional education to provide a budget for many requirements such as housing and gas, and other needs of students both in online education do not need them, with the student’s ability to full education at But, we can conclude that Become rare to use and transport, and they only need a computer and a quiet place suitable for the study, and there are a lot of students dream to go to the headquarters of the study.
In our research we will identify the importance of online education and the pros and cons, and its effects on society and types. These advantages of online education include the following: Firstly, Gives us with an chance to develop technology skills for teachers and students . Secondly, It also gives us access to World Resources And experts through Internet connection and Internet resources. Thirdly, It states for an increase in access to education for those who otherwise have no other chances because of the labor , family or financial constraints. in addition, It give us for a modality of instruction best appropriate for certain students . Fourthly It states greater elasticity to schedule education students can select the time and Location of “class time”. Fifthly, It also gives greater elasticity in location for study . Sixthly, learners can participate course at house or labor or on campus or at library. Seventhly, bearing in mind that it is student Centered -DE places responsibility for learning with the student who should be more active and self directed. Eighthly, It facilitates greater learner instructor interaction, it also increased interaction with classmates. Ninthly ,Facilitates Pedagogic Development-Individual Instructor Development, Produces a carryover effect into the regular classroom of improved pedagogic techniques, and it allows for the internationalization of learning opportunities. Finally, it has the ability to equalize get to education.