Paragraph writing on the joy of being out
Have you ever noticed how you feel when you give away things? The Joy of giving just cannot be put into any words but only felt. It is a greater feeling than while receiving any kind of gifts.
Studies have shown that some parts of your brains get activated when you give and receive gifts.Giving could be in any format. For some it could be money while for others it could be time. Some people find great pleasures in giving care and working for others or for the society. The happiness that one finds in giving out may differ from person to person and their interests. It has also been observed that children also experience a sense of joy when they give their things to whom they like.
The joy of giving could be seen on the faces of the people who share and give. The smile, the glow the happiness all is very much evident and it is such a pleasure to see those faces. Studies have shown that most people when they are down or blue, and when they get involved in giving out something, it brightens up their mood and makes them
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