Paragraph writing topic is animal in great danger .
Species have been dying out since life began. In a way extinction is a part of the ecosystem. It is impossible to determine how many species have disappeared. Scientists estimate that go percent of the species that have ever lived have vanished. The rate of extinction went up during certain times in the earth’s history. It grew very much some 65 million years ago and the dinosaurs died out completely. The rate was gone up again in modern times. Since 1600 more than 200 species of mammals, birds and other creatures have vanished from the earth.
Now men are able to change the natural environment very rapidly. Many species of animals are not able to adapt to the changed conditions. They perish. This is the problem today. Such forces of change have to control to prevent extinction of wildlife.
In the past unregulated killing of wildlife caused the extinction of species. The North Atlantic Sea-bird, the auk was mercilessly killed for fish and fish bait. By 1844 it had vanished from the earth. Killing animals for hides and meat contributed largely to the extinction the gaggua, a South African Zebra.