English, asked by bhatsabit591, 19 days ago

paraphrasing of to me every hour hour of the light and dark is a miracle,(poem miracles​


Answered by misradiptoman


For centuries, people have had differing opinions about miracles. Have any miracles ever really happened? Or is everything at the mercy of chance? Across all cultures, peoples, and time periods, there have been stories of miracles. In the Israeli culture alone, there are stories of Moses calling down plagues upon Egypt and parting the red sea to lead the people to freedom. Many stories like this are told across cultures. And then there are the miracles of Jesus, which spearheaded the movement of Christianity across the world. Today, it is difficult to know whether or not miracles have ever really happened.

Whitman’s poem, ‘Miracles,’ seems to be in response to this very question, “Is there any such thing as a miracle?” While many people would look for miraculous healing or resurrection from the dead or some other such dramatic miracle as proof. Walt Whitman, on the other hand, reveals through this poem, that he believes in miracles not because he has experienced a blind man given sight, or a dead person raised to life, but because he has experienced the very things that most every other person experiences on a daily basis. Most people would never recognize these things as miracles, but Whitman does. 


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