English, asked by deepikakanwar3689, 5 months ago

Part-A(40 Marks)
1. Read the passage given below earebolim
1. A rank outsider has no place in the scenament of beauty of Alther personality or pereen
whey any elaborate Beauty conteal, with juden, tills me will wanderment llawend bent
judged by means of tape and weighing machine? Perception of beauty seems to be an en
personal maites peculiar la fach individual and even to such country. The la the reason w
remain unmoved when we are in our newepapere pheteraphe of beauty queens of other
What is beautiful in ene country or in one part of the country may be viewed differently in and
Ameng certain aboriginea piercing the upper lip and rivetting on it several layer of metals
considered indispensable for any lady of social standing in our part of the country
emamente are very popular and not to in the norte, creen eyer and red hair are pre
considered masieriviouches of nature in the West, while we think they handlempa girl's futur
2. It's not only in a perfeetly measuring figure, but ales in features that real beauty is to be peret
and this perception may turn out to be a hably individual view. For this rencon photo find
deciding beauty is not feasibleThe eye of the camera, though perfect in Judging neck to ne
horaca, is no better judge than the human eyes, where human beauty is concerned, for the
reason that ile data, mee again will have to be verified and secepted only by us. The en
cannot be an absolute insinument of perception Sometimes people look better than
photographs and sometimes photographe are better than the originals
3. It is for this reason that any astule would be beide room refused to be led away by
photographs when he has to make up his mind, but inalate upon holding over lila
decision till he has a chance to view the girl which becomes really a turning point in
any young man's life. It is all as anybody knows, elaborately staged and arranged The
i la decked and dressed in her best he is induced by her parents and sisters to
come forward and show herself properly The young man has to watch the curtain or
the doorway through which she has to come with the greatest anxiety and curiosity,
and yet not seem to watch for the sake of proprety The le may come up and take a
seat opposite, but it does not help ihe young man Ile is afraid to stare and Judge. Itels
for the moment a beauty judee, but handicapped by proprieties which will not let him
stare and assess
Answer any ten of the following questions on the basis of the passage you have read,
110 - 10)
(6) What makes the narrator wonder?
(a) Judging of beauty by means of tape and welching machine,
(6) Not Judging beauty by means of tape and weighing machine
(o The beauty contests not happening in his country
(d) The judging of intelligence by conducting 10 festa​


Answered by kvsk95


very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very tough that's why I couldn't tell you the answer is so big question answers I think so you are the 10th class

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