Q1.Study the extract of the survey of India map sheet no. 45 D/7 and answer the
following questions(Easting 77-87, northings 82-92)
1. Give the four fig. grid ref. of Jegol. (1)
2. Define R.F.? What is the R.F. of the map? (1)
3. What is the direction of marwada from Dhaneri. (1)
4. What is the meaning of: (2)
a)Blue line in Sipu river
b) .25r (grid sq 8286)
5.Calculate the direct distance between Bhadli Kotha (7886) and nandotra (8282)
6. On which bank of Sipu river does mahadeviyo nala join? (1)
7. What is the main occupation of the people shown in map? Give reason(1)
8. Identify the drainage Pattern: (1)
a) (8388) grid sq.
9. What is the meaning of: (1)
a)5r in grid sq 8491
monof India provided: (5)
Answered by
Q1.Study the extract of the survey of India map sheet no. 45 D/7 and answer the
following questions(Easting 77-87, northings 82-92)
1. Give the four fig. grid ref. of Jegol. (1)
2. Define R.F.? What is the R.F. of the map? (1)
3. What is the direction of marwada from Dhaneri. (1)
4. What is the meaning of: (2)
a)Blue line in Sipu river
b) .25r (grid sq 8286)
5.Calculate the direct distance between Bhadli Kotha (7886) and nandotra (8282)
6. On which bank of Sipu river does mahadeviyo nala join? (1)
7. What is the main occupation of the people shown in map? Give reason(1)
8. Identify the drainage Pattern: (1)
a) (8388) grid sq.
9. What is the meaning of: (1)
a)5r in grid sq 8491
monof India provided: (5)
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