Particulares 1 Pantiewone B. Int on Capitals. 48,000 By net profit 12,400 A A 36,000 dy Int on Orawings 3,00 B 12,000 sal o B, salary 60,000 2.000 B 1,000 To Partiers capital (135,000/ 67500 B - 67500.solve partners capital account
(a) P is bound to pay Rs 20,000 together with profit of Rs 5,000 to the firm because this amount belongs to the firm.
Explanation: As per Principal and Agent relationship, P is principal as well as agent to the firm and to Q and R. As per this rule, any profit earned by an agent (P) by using the firm’s property is attributable to the firm.
(b) Q is liable to pay Rs 5,000 to the firm. As per the Partnership Act, 1932, every partner of a partnership firm is liable to the firm for any loss caused by his/her willful negligence.
Explanation: Here Q is solely responsible for the loss of Rs 1,000 because he used the property of the firm and also represented himself as a principal rather than an agent to the other partners and to the firm.
(c) P and Q may buy goods from A Ltd.
Explanation: As per Partnership Act, 1932, a partner has a right to buy and sell goods without consulting the other partners unless a Public Notice has been given by the partnership firm to restrict the partners to buy and sell.
(d) C will not be admitted because one of the partners P has not agreed to admit C.
Explanation: As per Partnership Act, a new partner cannot be admitted into a firm unless all the existing partners agree on the same decision. In other words, a new partner can be admitted in a partnership firm with the consent of all the existing partners.