Pass an opening journal entry in the books of Vishal Stores on 1st April 2020 from the below mentioned information:
Assets – Cash Rs.15, 000; Furniture Rs.3, 600
Bank Rs.5, 000 ; Stock Rs.40, 000
Debtors Rs.24, 000
Liabilities – Bank Loan Rs. 10,000 ; Creditors Rs. 12,500
Outstanding salary Rs.2,200
1. Cash a/c... Dr. 10500
To C's Capital a/c 7500
To Premium for goodwill a/c 3000
(Being capital and premium for goodwill brought in by C)
2. Premium for goodwill a/c... Dr. 3000
To A's Capital a/c 2000
To B's Capital a/c 1000
(Being premium for goodwill distributed among the partners in the ratio of 2:1)
3. Building a/c... Dr. 2500
To Revaluation a/c 2500
(Being increase in asset transferred to revaluation account)
4. Revaluation a/c.... Dr. 1750
To Plant and Machinery a/c 875
To Stock a/c 500
To Provision for doubtful debts a/c 375
(Being decrease in assets and increase in liabilities transferred to revaluation account)
5. Revaluation a/c... Dr. 750
To A's Capital a/c 500
To B's Capital a/c 250
(Being profit on revaluation transferred to the partner's capital accounts)
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amount
(in Rs.) Particulars Amount
(in Rs.)
To Stock a/c 500 By Building a/c 2500
To Plant and Machinery a/c 875
To Provision for doubtful debts a/c 375
To Profit transferred to
- A's Capital a/c
- B's Capital a/c
TOTAL 2500 TOTAL 2500
Particulars A B C Particulars A B C
By Balance b/d 15000 10000 -
By Cash a/c - - 7500
To Balance c/d 17500 11250 7500 By Premium for goodwill a/c 2000 1000 -
By Revaluation a/c 500 250 -
(after admission of C)
Liabilities Amount
(in Rs.) Assets Amount
(in Rs.)
Building (25000+2500) 27500
- A
- B
- C
7500 Plant and Machinery (17500-875) 16625
Sundry Creditors 32950 Stock (10000-500) 9500
Debtors 4850
-- Provision for Doubtful debts (375) 4475
Cash (600+10500) 11100
TOTAL 69200 TOTAL 69200