English, asked by suryakantkale784, 1 year ago

A stout old. lady was walking down the middle of a street in Petrograd to the great confusion of the
traffic and with no small peril to herself. It was pointed out to her that the pavement was the place for foot
passengers, but she replied : 'I'm going to walk where I like. We've got liberty now. It did not
dear old lady that if liberty entitled the foot-passenger to walk down the middle of the road, then the end
such liberty would be universal chaos. Everybody would be getting in everybody else's way and nobody would
get anywhere. Individual liberty would have become social anarchy.
There is a danger of the world getting liberty-drunk in these days, and we must remind ourselves on Wildl
the rule of the road means. It means that in order that the liberties of all may be preserved, the liberties of
everybody must be curtailed. When the policeman, say, at Piccadilly Circus steps out into the middle of the
road and puts out his hand before your car, he is the symbol, not of tyranny, but of liberty. You may not
think so. You may feel that your liberty has been outraged. Then, if you are a reasonable person, you will
realize that if he did not interfere with you, he would interfere with no one, and the result would be total
confusion at Piccadilly Circus. You have submitted to a curtailment of private liberty in order that you may
enjoy a social order which makes your liberty a reality.

plzzz write summary I will mark as brainmark​


Answered by smartbrainz

Summary of the passage 'The Rule of the Road', an essay written by a twentieth century essayist George Orwell.


A stout old. lady  who was walking down the middle of a street in Petrograd claiming that she had the liberty to walk anywhere. But she did not realise if liberty entitled the foot-passenger could walk in the middle of the the road it also entitled the vehicles to drive on the pavement, and such liberty would be universal chaos; Hence, Individual liberty would have become social anarchy

There is a danger of the world getting liberty-drunk like the old lady implying the road of rule means if the liberties of all may be preserved, the liberties of everybody must be curtailed. When the policeman steps out into the middle of the road and puts out his hand before your car, you may feel that your liberty has been outraged. However, if you are a reasonable person, you will realize that if he did not interfere the result would be total confusion. Hence, you have submitted to a curtailment of private liberty so as to enjoy a social order which makes your liberty a reality

To know more

write the summary of the above passage. suggest a suitable title ...


Answered by pramodmahi58


The essay starts with an anecdote of a fat old lady who created traffic disorder in Petrograd by not using the footpath on the pretext that she had the freedom to walk wherever she liked. The writer calls such people “liberty drunk”. The author clarifies that actually sacrifice seems to be the foundation of liberty. For example, a traffic policeman may seem like a nuisance at first, but later we realize he is actually a blessing because he stops everyone from driving wherever and whenever they want and saves us from utter chaos. The writer says that liberty is a personal affair only in matters which do not affect anyone else‘s liberty. The moment we step out of the kingdom of personal liberty, it becomes our duty to have consideration for the liberty of others. One can neither be a complete anarchist nor a complete socialist. A wise mixture of the two is the only solution. The moments of great sacrifice and heroism are rare. If a person is considerate to others, he is following the rule of the road. If he does not bother about the comforts and convenience of others, he is going against the rule of the road. One who follows the rule of the road is civilized in the real sense of the word.

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