English, asked by jaiswalp1907, 6 hours ago

Asia's current-account surpluses have been widely (if unfairly) blamed for causing the global financial crisis. Large inflows of foreign money helped inflate America's housing OPTIC bubble, the argument runs. Many Western economists say that Asians should squirrel away less of their income and consume much more.
But a more rigorous analysis suggests that in mast Asian economies it is investment not consumption that is too low. Even economists who believe that most of the blame for the crisis lies in Washington, DC argue that Asian economies need to shift from exports and investment to consumption as their new engine of growth. Rea A country's current account surplus is by definition equal to its domestic saving minus its domestic investment. So Asian ecolonies can reduce their surpluses by saving less (e. consuming more) or by investing more. Which route is appropriate depends in part on why their current account surpluses widened during the past decade. In China, the blame lies entirely with saving which rose faster than its Investment rate. In all the smaller energing Asian economies. However saving has either fallen or remained broadly unchanged as a share of GDP.
The reason these countries have large current-account surplus is because investment plunged after the 1997-98 Asian crisis and did not recover. Malaysia's investment rate, for example, fell from 44% of GDP in 1995 to an estimated 19% last year. Thailand's interest rate dropped from 41% to 21%. A report by the Asian economics team at Barclays Capital concludes that to reduce. their excess saving most Asian economies need to invest more rather than consume more. Higher investment, especially in infrastructure, they argue, would not only reduce current account surpluses but also boost growth and living standards.

Q) What would be the most relevant title for this passage?
a) REASON FOR GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS b) averting another Asian economic crisis
c) ways to spur on growth in Asian markets d) comparing various Asian economies​


Answered by venkatasrinivasdeevi



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