English, asked by adimkhan, 3 months ago

Everything except the truth wears, and needs to wear, a mask, Little souls are ashamed of nature.Prudery pretends to have
only those passions that it cannot feel. Moral poetry is like a respectable canal that never overflows its banks. It has weirs,
through which, slowly any excess of feeling is allowed to flow. It makes excuses for nature, and regards love as an interesting
convict. Moral art paints or chisels feet, faces or rags. It regards the body as obscene. It hides behind with drapery, that which
it has not the genius purely to portray. Mediocrity becomes moral from a necessity which it has the impudence to call virtue. It
pretends to regard ignorance as the foundation of purity, and insists that virtue seeks the
companionship of the blind.

Q1: It is suggested in the above passage that the morality of mediocrity is based upon
(a) impudence
(b) virtue
(c) necessity
(d) purity​


Answered by aditi1259


the answer is c) necessity

Answered by Anonymous

here the option (c) necessity is the right option...

hope it helps !!

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