English, asked by nirajsingh6779, 5 months ago

passage given below.
At the center of the Indian national flag is a wheel. What does it represent? An enquiry leads us to a fascinating path of Indian history.
mythology and philosophy.
The wheel on the national flag was derived from the flag of the Indian National Congress, which had in the centre Gadhiji's famous Charkha or
the spinning wheel, which played a vital symbolic role in the Indian National Movement
. It represented a defiance of the British industrial goods
that had destroyed local handloom industries and plunged the country into abject poverty.
The wheel also represented Buddhism, the religion which was embraced by Dr. Ambedkar, leader
of the Dalit movement, who felt Hindu caste
structures always placed them at a disadvantage. Across the world, the spoked wheel represents Buddhism. It can be seen on the insignias of
Mongolia, Sri Lanka, and the erstwhile Buddhist kingdom of Sikkim The central hub represents attention and stillness established through
meditation, the rim represents mindfulness and the spokes represent the various tenets of Buddhism For a long time, the wheel was used to
represent the Buddha himself. When the image of the Buddha became popular, roughly from around 1- century AD, the wheel transformed in
the nimbus, the solar disc behind the Buddha's head.
Often the wheel is shown with two deer, one on either side. It is supposed to represent the first discourse of the Buddha in the deer park at
Sarnath. This symbol of wheel with two deer is also found in Jain temples. In iconography, the deer represents restlessness and anxiety of the
human mind and the wheel represents time that is constantly rotating never pausing for anyone. Thus the deer symbolizes the human reaction
to nature's rhythms represented by the wheel. In other words, purusha and prakriti, the two principles that form the comerstone of traditional
Indian thought
The wheel has been found in Harappan seals, indicating that such wheels with spokes existed in India over 4000 years ago By Mauryan
times, the idea of the chakravarti gains great popularity across India. Chakravarti is the ruler of the world and his stories are found in Jain
scriptures where he is one of the shalaka purushas or worthy beings. The Chakravarti is marked by the hub of the wheel, and the horizon
(circular in shape) marks the boundaries of his kingdom, and the spokes represent the laws and regulations (dharma) with which he binds the
whole kingdom together. The wheel also represents the wheels of the king's chariots that are constantly moving along the royal highways and
are unstoppable. It is this wheel that we find atop Ashoka's pillar, which is another inspiration for the wheel on India's flag Ashoka was the
Mauryan Emperor whose
kingdom, about 2300 years ago, extended from modern Afghanistan in the north across India night up to Andhra
Pradesh and Karnataka. The four lions atop the wheel reinforces it as a symbol of royal power-Thus the word dharmachakra takes a rather
materialistic and regal manifestation, very different from the form given by Buddhist and Jain thought.'
(a) On the basis of your understanding of the above passage make notes on it using headings and sub-headings, Use recognizable
abbreviations (Wherever necessary minimum four) and a fomat you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it
(b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words.राइट समरी ऑफ द पैसेज इन अबाउट 1 वर्ड्स ​


Answered by dp673564


divyansh Pandey present mam I have not received any information on the house and I have not received any information on the house and I have not received any information on the house and I have not received any information on the house and I have not received any information

game is on file is too large to btana you have not received my udjdjdjdjdjdjdhdjrjruruuru you can you can jev hajaro you



divyansh Pandey present mam I have not received any information on the house and I have not received any information on the house and I have not received any information on the house and I have not received any information on the house and I have not received any information

game is on file is too large to btana you have not received my udjdjdjdjdjdjdhdjrjruruuru you can you can jev hajaro you

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