English, asked by anitadineshsharma198, 1 day ago

Passage <br /><br />On 10 April 1912, the largest luxury ship in the world set sail from Southampton in England to New <br /><br />York. She was called the Titanic. The world ‘Titanic’ means ‘huge’. this was her maiden voyage, that <br /><br />is her first voyage. She set out to cross the Atlantic Ocean and she carried more than two thousand <br /><br />passengers. The Titanic was like a floating town. <br /><br />Every one called the Titanic the finest ship in the world. Everyone was proud of her. She was as tall <br /><br />as a building with fifteen storeys. Inside, she was like a large hotel with grand staircases, diningrooms, shops and swimming pools. <br /><br />Everyone thought that the Titanic could never sink. They called her unsinkable ship. The ship’s <br /><br />builders were so sure of this, that they put a few life-boats on the ship. <br /><br />The journey was very comfortable. The passengers were proud because they were travelling in the <br /><br />best ship in the world. They felt safe. <br /><br />Then came the night of 14 April. The sky was clear and the sea was calm. Many of the passengers <br /><br />were asleep. Captain Smith knew that there were ice bergs nearby, so he told a man to keep a <br /><br />watch from the top of the ship. Suddenly at 11: 40 p.m. the man saw something. He grew cold with <br /><br />fear. A huge iceberg stood right in the path of the Titanic. ICEBERGE! He yelled. <br /><br />A2) Do you know the sea voyages? Why did people call ‘Titanic’ the unsinkable ship? 2 <br /><br />A3) Write – ing form of the word 2 <br /><br />i) Travel ii) Swim <br /><br />A4i) Captain Smith told the man to keep a watch from the top of the ship. (underline the infinitive)1 <br /><br /> ii) The journey was very comfortable. (Add a question tag) 1 <br /><br />A5) Which mode of transport you like to travel by bus, train, or a ship? why?​


Answered by sahuh0488


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