In the days gone by, heroes emerged when wars broke out and messiahe appeared when decadence overtook societies. Through the centuries, adversities have inspired people to rise to the occasion and display special skills which have earned them the label of a leader. The driving force behind a leader's actions and behaviour is his instinct. It guides enable him to overcome any challenge that life proposes. Abraham Lincoln failed in almost all his endeavours through his life. And yet his instinct urged him to keep trying,
finally culminating in earning him the highest seat of political leadership in America. So what is instinct ? Is it genetic, or is it cultivated? Instinct is what drives a newborn into sensi that he is hungry or cold, making him ery for help. It is that strange, solitary voice that sometimes compels us to do what the rest oppose, proving in time that we were right.
It can be best described as a compass of objective observation, although born with it, we tend to lose touch with our instinct as we grow older. If everybody is born with this sense, why is it that some people become leaders and others don't? Firstly, external circumstances greatly dictate our evolution. All people who are deprived of opportunities to develop their latent abilities, I to grow into leaders, But life beatows its benevolence on some, providing them all the challenges which urge
them to flower. Hardships have a way of bringing the best out in people.
6. The second reason relates to internal attitude. There are many people who despite being blessed with all the right opportunities, still fail. This is because they are insensitive to their own instincts, ignoring all the signals that can enable them to act appropriately. Listening is a critical skill that needs to be evolved over time, When people overlook their instincts, they choose the road that leads them away from possible leadership. Most of the complex situations that we face in life, are fairly unique. While our earlier experiences enable us to list and put evaluated choices, it is eventually our instinct that helps us in determining which one to go for. At such times, people who are tuned in to their instincts, are more likely to make the right decisions than those who are not. Instinct is like a psychometer. When a leader gives his team an emotionally charged speech in the attempt to motivate them into action, he can invariably tell even before he has completed it, whether or not he has succeeded. In fact, right through the process of speaking, he is constantly modulating his behaviour-sometimes being gentle and understanding, and at other times firm and non-committal.
7. Leadership is a quest for doing the right things, a quest that is initiated not for fulfilling one's own selfish needs but for the greater good of all concerned.
I. On the the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions by choosing the best of the given choices.
- decadence invades societies
- telling him what to do
- they get the opportunity to develop their potential
- psycho metre measures emotions
- evolution
- decadence
II. Answer the following questions briefly:
- some people become leaders because they get an opportunity to develop their potential.
- extinct it's like psychrometer because the psycho metre measures emotions.
- a true leader wishes not to fulfill their own selfish needs but to do great a god of all concerned.
- the people who are deprived of opportunities to the block relating abilities and skills field to develop themselves into good leaders
III. Find the words from the passage which mean the following:
- display
- psychometer
1. Answers for the questions by choosing the best option.
a) decadence invades societies
b) Telling him what to do
c) They get the opportunity to develop their potential
d) Psycho metre measures emotions
e) Evolution
f) Decadence
2. Answers briefly
a) Because they get an opportunity to develop their potential.
b) People who are tuned in to their instincts, are more likely to make the right decisions than those who are not. So Instinct acts like a psychometer.
c) True leader wishes not to fulfill their own selfish,needs but to do great a god of all concerned.
d) People fail become leaders because of they deprived of opportunities to develop their latent abilities.
3. Find words from passage
a) Display
b) Psycometer