Passages for Comprehension
Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow :
निम्न गद्यांशों को पढ़े और नीचे दिये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें
Passage 1
We pollute our environment by throwing different kinds of waste carelessly. Methods of waste reduction, waste reuse and recycling are the preferred options for managing waste. This problem is more serious in cities because sometimes it is difficult to find a proper place to dump the wastage. Garbage bins overflow in big cities. The waste begins to rot after a few hours and stinks. It becomes a breeding place for harmful bacteria which would spread ill health and diseases like malaria, typhoid, cholera and dengue etc.
Question 1.
How do we pollute our envi-ronment?
हम अपने वातावरण को किस प्रकार प्रदूषित करते हैं?
Question 2.
Where and why is the problem of pollution more serious ?
प्रदूषण की समस्या कहाँ और क्यों अधिक गंभीर है?
Question 3.
Which place becomes a breeding place for harmful bacteria ?
हानिकारक बैक्टीरिया पैदा होने वाला स्थान कौन-सा है?
Question 4.
Which diseases are caused by harmful bacteria ?
हानिकारक बैक्टीरिया के कारण कौन-से रोग फैलते हैं?
Question 5.
Write the word from the passage which means ‘decay’.
Question 6.
Write the word from the passage which is opposite to ‘comes’.
Answered by
1. we pollute our environment by throwing different kinds of waste carelessly.
2. this problem is most serious in cities because sometimes it is difficult to find a proper place to dump the wawte
Answered by
1. By throwing different kinds of waste
2. In cities
3. Garbage bins
4. Malaria, typhoid, cholera, and dengue
5. Rot
6. Spread
I am not sure about last answer
2. In cities
3. Garbage bins
4. Malaria, typhoid, cholera, and dengue
5. Rot
6. Spread
I am not sure about last answer
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