English, asked by piyush259, 1 year ago

passive voice of don't make mistake


Answered by rajitha3
Let the mistake not be made by u Hopes this helps u
Answered by Mithalesh1602398


The passive voice of "don't make a mistake" is "Let no mistake be made".


The passive voice of "don't make a mistake" is "Let no mistake be made".

In this sentence, the subject of the active voice "you" is omitted in the passive voice, and the object "mistake" becomes the subject of the sentence. The auxiliary verb "be" is used in the passive voice, followed by the past participle form of the main verb "made". The negative imperative "don't" in the active voice is replaced with "let no" in the passive voice to maintain the negative meaning.

To convert this sentence into the passive voice, we need to change the focus from the person who is being commanded to the mistake itself. In other words, we want to say that the mistake should not be made, rather than telling someone not to make it.

The passive voice construction requires us to start with the object of the active sentence ("mistake") and make it the subject of the passive sentence. We also need to use the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb "be" and the past participle of the main verb "make".

To make the sentence negative, we can use the phrase "let no" instead of "don't." So, the final passive sentence is "Let no mistake be made."

In this sentence, the subject is "mistake," the verb is "be made" (using the passive construction), and the sentence retains its negative meaning from the original active voice sentence.

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