English, asked by harshitaratolia, 3 months ago

Passive voice. The brakes were applied by the driver...
subject + verb + (byt
+ the agent (who does
Exercise 1. Write A for active voice and P for passive voice
1. This shopkeeper sells fresh vegetables. A
2. Mrs Ghosh explained the poem clearly.
3. The poem was not explained well.P
4. Our house is being renovated. P
5. Lunch is served between 12 noon and 3 p.m. A
6. He has taken a difficult catch.
7. In winter, these plants will be watered once a week. P
Sentences in the active voice are simple, short and elegant.
active voice is more natural.​


Answered by harshit99998


seller. information technology and services to the small and medium enterprises Inc and its protection of privacy

Answered by sumansikhwal890


1.Fresh vegetables are sold by the shopkeeper.

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