English, asked by eljqqoop11, 1 month ago

passive voiceactive voice
1 Who was the Mona Lisa painted by? 2. The old barn has been pulled down. 3. The results will be published in July. 4. The trip was ruined by bad weather. 5. The letter dhould have been posted last week 6. Who was the money raised by? 7. Why hasn't the house been painted yet? 8. She was heard shouting, 9. How much were you paid? 10. His car has been stolen. 11.I can't bear being cheated. 12. A famous actress will be chosen to advertise the product. 13. John was made to do the washing up. 14. The ozone layer is gradually being destroyed by pollution. 15. A bring-and-buy sale is being held next month.​


Answered by susamapatra83


I have studied this in class but I forget this

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