English, asked by sb140182, 5 hours ago

Paste or draw the picture of your favorite tree. Write 3 paragraphs using
about 180-200 words with the help of the following clues (name of the tree-
where found—flowers/ fruit it bears—if any medicinal value- any other
importance of the tree)
Anyone with fast and right answer will be the brainliest


Answered by neropuduparam



(i) My Hobby

Introduction-Hobby is a fondness for something. It is not a regular work or business. Everyone in this world has one hobby or the other. It is so because a hobby gives us joy and happiness. It is the best use of one's own leisure.

Kinds of Hobbies: Hobbies are of different kinds. Some of them are stamp-collecting, gardening, card-playing, photography, carpentry, painting, riding, singing and knitting. Many more subjects can be added to this list. One is free to choose his own hobby from this long list of hobbies.

My Hobby- My hobby is gardening. There is a small plot in front of my house. I have turned this plot into a garden. This small but beautiful garden is the result of my brother's and my labour. I work in the garden every morning and evening. I dig the land, make beds for flowers and vegetables and plants a good variety of flowers and other kinds of plants. Now, there are rose, lily, marigold and many other flowers in my garden. I have also two trees in my garden. Creepers and plants in my garden are the best in the colony. I grow some pumpkins, brinjals and potatoes in the garden. Thus, my garden gives me flowers and many other things.

My hobby is very useful. It keeps me busy and teaches me the importance of physical labour. I learn things myself by doing them with my hands. It leads me to dignity of labour.

Conclusion: My garden gives us flowers which are used in 'Puja'. I oblige my friends and relatives by giving them vegetables grown in my garden. Sometimes, I take part in flower competitions and win prizes.

Thus, my hobby brings joy and happiness to all. I am proud of my garden and my hobby. It gives me physical exercise and keep me fit all day long. Gardening makes me feel godliness.

(ii) Cinema-its merits and demerits:

The Cinema is an outstanding wonder of this modern age. Apart from the great pleasure it gives us an usual as a means of entertainment it is in many ways an education in itself.

The Cinema is also very valuable asset to educationists in imparting knowledge. the film companies from time to time produce historical pictures and these pictures are of great assistance to the teacher of history. Even some of Shakespeare's great dramas and comedies have been filmed. We thereby gain a much better idea of the play than would be possible from a causal reading of it.

The great importance of cinema is in the use of the film in the teaching of science and industry. There are educational film companies which devote their time to the filming of the lives and habits of animals, insects, fishes, germs and numerous other forms of life. We can see the hatching of eggs of fish and their development into large fishes. We can watch the unpleasing activity of many kind of germs and their effect on water, milk or blood. We can watch the opening and closing of flowers and leaves and growth of grass and weeds. All these actions and movements and greatly magnified on the screen. Such pictures are intensely interesting and are a great help in the cause of education.

In India we have a number of film companies producing very interesting films in Indian languages. Epic stories, historical plays and social dramas are successfully dealt with by our film producers.

The cinema is a cheap and fine source of amusement. Our life is busy. We want some relief from dull and routine work. The cinema is the most popular means of entertainment. Beautiful scenes, sweet songs and thrilling dances make us happy and forget the real world for some time and we are lost in the world of beauty and joy.

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