Hindi, asked by suhanibaral09, 6 months ago

पत्र लेखन -अपने मित्र को पत्र लिखिए कि आपने वर्चुअल वार्षिक उत्सव कैसे मनाया |
translation - Letter writing - Write a letter to your friend about how you celebrated the virtual annual festival.
write the letter in hindi please help me


Answered by dharvendra48


My dear friend

wherever you be you be happy .

In my school virtual class I celebrate annual festival vittually.we does lot of fun and enjoy

the annual festival.we send virtual gifts to each

other on our class clipboard . specially our honourable class teacher give a speech to all the classmate and bless to be a honest child and too hardworking.by this all activity we enjoy out annual festival.

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