CBSE BOARD XII, asked by singhashu4640, 6 months ago

the ants:
Pareng realized that the snakes had died because there were no trees to
protect them from the heat. When he went to the forest department, he was
told that nothing would grow in that area. He was advised to grow bamboo
res. As nobody else was interested in helping him, Paveng took on the task all alone.
be watered and cared for regularly. After a few years, the area was covered with a thick
village because he had heard that they made the soil better. Many a time, he was stung by
With the growth of the forest many different animals, including endangered animals like
the one-homed thino and the Royal Bengal tiger
, started coming to the area. Vultures and
migratory birds can also be seen there now.
Payeng is now almost 50 years old. He has spent the last three
decades of his life in this task. The forest that he planted, called
Wise Owf savs...
Molai forest after him, now covers an area of about 1,360 acres.
The government honoured Jadav Payeng for his conservation
• Salim Ali, the 'Birden
efforts with the Padma Shri award in 2015.
Write True or False.
who studies birds
1. Payeng lives in the north-eastern region of India
. Sunderlal Bahugunas
2. Payeng's forest is 16 years old.
the leader of the Chipka
3. The floodwater killed the snakes.
4. Snakes are reptiles.
5. The forest department did not encourage Payeng to grow trees.
6. Payeng does not do things unless a number of people help him.
7. Animals and birds are attracted to areas with trees and plants.
8. Nobody has appreciated what Jadav Payeng has done.
9. Jadav Payeng is unhappy that vultures have come to the forest.
Jadav Payeng's story teaches us that each one of us has the power to bring about a
positive change in the world.
of India, was an India
omithologist la perce
In 1979, the flooding waters of the Brahmaputra washed a number of
snake shore on a treeless strip of sand in the middle of the mer. After the
Leaving his home. Pareng started living on the sand land. He planted bamboo trees, which
of bamboos. Pavengthen planted different types of trees there. He also got red ants from his
the place covered with the dead reptiles. That was the turning point of his​


Answered by aditya77210053


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