pay 2) Convert 459 into special number.
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4554 is the special number obtained from converting 459
Given :
The number 459
To find :
To convert to special number
Concept :
Special Number :
The numbers which look same after turn it back to front. Example : 121 , 343
Solution :
Step 1 of 5 :
Write down the given number
The given number is 459
Step 2 of 5 :
Reverse the number 459
Reversing the number we get 954
Step 3 of 5 :
Add the numbers
On addition we get
459 + 954 = 1413
1413 is not a special number. Do the same as above
Step 4 of 5 :
Reverse the number 1413
Reversing the number we get 3141
Step 5 of 5 :
Add the numbers
On addition we get
1413 + 3141 = 4554
4554 is a special number as the number look same after turn it back to front.
Hence 4554 is the special number obtained from converting 459
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