pay attention to sustainable develoment
What is Sustainable Development?
‘Development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’.
Three core elements of sustainable development are economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. It is crucial to harmonize them.
The present generation should promote development that enhances the natural and built environment in ways that are compatible with:
a. Conservation of natural assets, offsetting any unavoidable reduction by a compensating increase so that the 'stock' does not diminish.
b. Preservation of the regenerative capacity of world's natural eco system.
c. Achieving greater social equality.
d. Avoiding the imposition of added costs or risks on succeeding generations. The intergenerational' aspect has been emphasised by few other definition too. To Tietenberg, sustainability principle involves the use of all resources in a manner which respects the needs of future generations.