English, asked by rifanidazaman, 1 year ago

"peer pressure i fell" an article


Answered by akibaftabsifmnil


Terror: the kind that creeps up behind you and grabs hold of your heartstrings, inciting uncontrollable heart palpitations and turning your stomach into a contorted pit of fear. This is the stress that out-of-hand schoolwork and extra-curricular activities evoke in high school students. I know it well. Tenth grade was a wonderful year. Although I had initially signed up for both Advanced Placement (AP) classes available to sophomores, I eventually decided to take only AP Biology. Focusing on one AP instead of spreading myself thin between two had been a great decision.

But everything changed junior year. My friends were loading their schedules with all advanced or AP classes, and I could no longer resist the peer pressure. I fell victim to it and ended up with a full schedule of AP Chemistry, AP European History, AP Latin IV, Advanced English, Advanced Math and Honors Band. Why did I do this to myself? The answer was simple: my friends were doing it.

Answered by anu1234wer


Earth is the home to many animals. They are man’s companion. Animals have various species. Amphibians have thin skin through which they absorb and breathe. Frogs and toads are some examples. Mammals have a coat of fur and warm-blooded like lions, tigers, and bears. Reptiles lay eggs and cold-blooded. Some reptiles include snakes and crocodiles. Insects and birds are a part of the animal kingdom

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