Pen a story in 'bout 100 - 150 words with the following beginning :
" We Fall For Someone "
Also give a suitable title!
Answered by
Heya !
★Life is Unpredictable ★
"You showed the sunshine
When I could only see the Rain!
You bought me laughter
When I could only feel pain !
✧We fall for someone , it's not always planned . The World in which we live is full of unpredictability : connections we can't predict . At times , we don't even get to chose the relations that later define us . Life itself writes the most beautiful love stories ever .We meet so many people with each new day . People meet and part but some relations never die . Even though they remain undefined , still they hold a deep place in your heart . The most amazing part is that for a majority of times , we end up falling for those that we had never even imagined of. A person who meant nothing a day before becomes everything the very next day . Strange , but true ! How someone becomes so close and precious in a fraction of moments ! The same happened with Elsa .
→She hadn't even imagined that someone could become so dear to her , that the very thought of losing him would be no less than a dreadful dream . It turned out to be The most unexpected turn in Elsa's Life . Having realized that she had met her soulmate : a boy she had dreamt of always . It was very correct that 'The most unexpected stories take place at the most unexpected time to the most unexpected people' !! She couldn't even imagine that a girl like her could become vulnerable to a thing called Love :p Its really amazing that how in a fraction of moments you fall in a Kinda love that takes lifetime to get over .
◼It had all started about 6 months ago when she was introduced to a boy Duke in the widespread online world . Though they lived quite apart but their hearts were somehow connected . Beginning as friends to a relation they couldn't themselves define ! Talking to him would revive Elsa of all her pain and worries and thus , she ended up confessing what she felt deep in her heart and luckily Duke also had been waiting to hear that form her . Things seemed to be working well for quite a few months .
★Now , what the main thing was that she had never met the boy . It was all the tale of exchanging texts and late night conversations that had taken a toll on her mind . It had been about 6 long months that she had been regularly talking to him . It had become a part of everyday routine . So , one day generally talking , she asked him 'When could we meet up?' After a few minutes of discussion , they finally reached a conclusion that they should meet. So everything was planned and the 'Ville Garden' was fixed where they could meet each other on the very special occasion 14 Feb . Everything had been fixed . Both the souls were readily excited for the day . That heart throbbing excitement shaked off their core. Luckily , Elsa was there well before time but Duke didn't turn up .Each second seemed to be passing like an hour . It was growing dark but Elsa refused to believe that the boy won't turn out. She waited and waited . Finally , with her patience level exhausted along with a guilt of having trusted someone wrong went back in tears .
◾Later , to her shock it turned out that Duke had lost his life in the car crash when he was going to meet Her . Unbearable for the poor girl ! She had never imagined that she would encounter such a news 'bout him. But what else she could she do instead of breaking into tears . The story thus came to an incredibly drastic ending with the beautiful evening having turned into a dreadful nightmare. The person who meant everything for the girl now couldn't be traced in this world . Destiny played cruel with the two !! Duke's words rang in her ears :-
"When I say goodbye ,
Promise me you won't cry !
Coz that would be the day
When I will die !!
Her heart went throbbing as she remembered all this .
❁Life is Unpredictable .
Drastic changes with the changing seasons.
But always remember that ,
Even your coldest winter happens for a reason.
★The Moral of the story is that life is but a roller coaster ride : twists and turns . You don't know what happens that very next moment . How and when the loved ones part away like anything . That's Life !
★Life is Unpredictable ★
"You showed the sunshine
When I could only see the Rain!
You bought me laughter
When I could only feel pain !
✧We fall for someone , it's not always planned . The World in which we live is full of unpredictability : connections we can't predict . At times , we don't even get to chose the relations that later define us . Life itself writes the most beautiful love stories ever .We meet so many people with each new day . People meet and part but some relations never die . Even though they remain undefined , still they hold a deep place in your heart . The most amazing part is that for a majority of times , we end up falling for those that we had never even imagined of. A person who meant nothing a day before becomes everything the very next day . Strange , but true ! How someone becomes so close and precious in a fraction of moments ! The same happened with Elsa .
→She hadn't even imagined that someone could become so dear to her , that the very thought of losing him would be no less than a dreadful dream . It turned out to be The most unexpected turn in Elsa's Life . Having realized that she had met her soulmate : a boy she had dreamt of always . It was very correct that 'The most unexpected stories take place at the most unexpected time to the most unexpected people' !! She couldn't even imagine that a girl like her could become vulnerable to a thing called Love :p Its really amazing that how in a fraction of moments you fall in a Kinda love that takes lifetime to get over .
◼It had all started about 6 months ago when she was introduced to a boy Duke in the widespread online world . Though they lived quite apart but their hearts were somehow connected . Beginning as friends to a relation they couldn't themselves define ! Talking to him would revive Elsa of all her pain and worries and thus , she ended up confessing what she felt deep in her heart and luckily Duke also had been waiting to hear that form her . Things seemed to be working well for quite a few months .
★Now , what the main thing was that she had never met the boy . It was all the tale of exchanging texts and late night conversations that had taken a toll on her mind . It had been about 6 long months that she had been regularly talking to him . It had become a part of everyday routine . So , one day generally talking , she asked him 'When could we meet up?' After a few minutes of discussion , they finally reached a conclusion that they should meet. So everything was planned and the 'Ville Garden' was fixed where they could meet each other on the very special occasion 14 Feb . Everything had been fixed . Both the souls were readily excited for the day . That heart throbbing excitement shaked off their core. Luckily , Elsa was there well before time but Duke didn't turn up .Each second seemed to be passing like an hour . It was growing dark but Elsa refused to believe that the boy won't turn out. She waited and waited . Finally , with her patience level exhausted along with a guilt of having trusted someone wrong went back in tears .
◾Later , to her shock it turned out that Duke had lost his life in the car crash when he was going to meet Her . Unbearable for the poor girl ! She had never imagined that she would encounter such a news 'bout him. But what else she could she do instead of breaking into tears . The story thus came to an incredibly drastic ending with the beautiful evening having turned into a dreadful nightmare. The person who meant everything for the girl now couldn't be traced in this world . Destiny played cruel with the two !! Duke's words rang in her ears :-
"When I say goodbye ,
Promise me you won't cry !
Coz that would be the day
When I will die !!
Her heart went throbbing as she remembered all this .
❁Life is Unpredictable .
Drastic changes with the changing seasons.
But always remember that ,
Even your coldest winter happens for a reason.
★The Moral of the story is that life is but a roller coaster ride : twists and turns . You don't know what happens that very next moment . How and when the loved ones part away like anything . That's Life !

Beautiful Answer !!
Answered by
↪️We fall for someone when we least expect it to happen. We start to care for someone so passionately hard when we had no clue earlier..about the fact that we could ever be someone who can care so deeply..who can be so sensitive about somebody other than our family. We shred tears for someone who never existed some days..some months..some years before.
↪️We smile when all we want is to cry our hearts out. We cry alone where we exactly know that there's no one who will stand by our side to listen our painful howls.
➡️We pretend to look happy..though we aren't at all.
↪️We make friends..we let them close..then later we treat them as strangers in a flick.
↪️You see..we fall very quickly for someone. We let others break our so called strong hearts very easily. We let them ruin us very easily. If playing with our heart was an olympic sport, they would have a gold medal.
↪️Some people get their love and lose it. Some who deserve love the most..never get to be loved at all.
➡️Having a sympathetic and pitiful heart makes life completely ironical and god da-mn confusing.. Isn't it..??
Now let's begin the story!
↪️There lived a college boy Jack, who was completely devoted to his studies. It was fortuitous that a boy with so shy nature could ever love someone with all his heart that it will cost his sight! Yes, it culminated in a huge loss!
↪️He had a friend named Alva who was very close to him. They were friends from last 10 years. They used to share their everyday experiences with each other. Those late night conversations affected his life so deeply that he started loving Alva with all his heart.
↪️The days were passing as they did earlier. But now, a second seemed like a decade to him. It seemed like Alva's beauty controlled his heart and mind as well. Everyday, his love for her increased. This continued for a month. And now, it was so very difficult for Jack to control all his ethos. Those babbles in his body were too distracting. He was unable to focus on anything else. Finally, the day arrived when he wanted everything to be spilled out.
↪️Somehow, he gathered some strength and made her a proposal online. Luckily, she accepted, though someone else was already in her life. She hid it from him. Now, they weren't just friends. Something more than friendship existed.
↪️A few days passed with those lovely texts. They were about to complete their Higher education. One day, Jack made her a proposal in front of everyone to express his never ending and excessive love for her, which unfortunately resulted in depression, yes, here's a twist. This time she rejected it badly and maligned him.
↪️This moment made him feel like hell. He was felling apart. The moment he started hating himself. Even, he hurted himself just because of Alva who was unaffected. Yes! Even knowing his condition, made no effect on her.
➡️How heart wrenching it was!
↪️Though, they were many people to pick him up of this, something was literally dying in him. All his wounds kept on reminding him of her! But, that mean girl was still unaffected.
➡️How love destroyed a life! How brutal it is, how brutal!
↪️Then, a few days later..when Alva was working alone on an experiment in the lab, a few drops of Hydrofluoric acid poured into her eyes due to which she wasn't able to see anymore. She was took to hospital by her mates. His boyfriend gotta know about this through Alva's mates.
➡️How weird and creative God is nah! Let's see, how! Great too!
↪️Listening the news that it's very hard for her to recover, he left her. Instead of being with her in this censorious situation, he chooses to leave her.
➡️Measure for measure..xD
↪️Now, when Jack gotta know about this incident, he furiously rushed to the hospital. Forgetting the pains she gave him, the scars she made him, he decided to donate his eyes, thinking atleast his love could see how beautiful this world is!
↪️Yeah, The time arrived when they both were done with their surgeries. All their mates were panicked. Fortunately, The operation was successful and, Jack was taken home first. After Alva's surgery, her friends took her home. Then, the next day she was told about the sacrifice Jack made for her. This made her cry a lot and, a lot. She was unable to control her tears. Now, she just wanted to meet him but, she wasn't in a condition in which they could take her to his home. A few days later, after her recovery, she went to meet him and cried her heart out.
↪️But, this day became the luckiest one for Jack as Alva promised him that she'll never ever leave him.
➡️This concludes that True Love never results in disappointment!
↪️Moral : Never Play With Someone's Emotions, sooner or later, you'll be the sufferer!
➡️Never give up on people, they're a blessing. You'll know their value after losing them!
➡True Love never fades away, someone who really deserves you will pay your love!

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