Music, asked by ayeshakkhan5233, 1 year ago

Pen is mighter than sword essay for 3 minutes


Answered by singhalseema03p9uwqn
The famous proverb ‘Pen is Mightier than the Sword’ was first written by Edward Bulwer- Lytton, which later became highly popular across the world. Everyone knows that a sword is a weapon with sharp edge while pen is a writing instrument with no edge. But the power of the pen is extremely greater than a sword. What a sharp edge of a sword can’t achieve; can easily be achieved with the help of a tiny tip of a pen.


While a pen and sword cannot be compared because pen is used for writing purposes and sword is used for fighting purposes. But the writer through the proverb ‘Pen is Mightier than the Sword’, intends to say that the power and strength of writing is mightier and stronger than the influence of war. A war is always destructive and ends lives. Sword can only kill and thus result into defeat, loss and death. Even though, one party in the war may win but the loss of several lives is the ultimate loss of even the winning party; whereas writing is harmony, peace and it is priceless. Books written with pen give us education, knowledge and wisdom which remain with us forever. We can never pay back for the tales and stories told to us in our childhood by our grandparents, parents, teachers, etc for those stories taught us lesson which we preserve for our lifetime.

There are various quotes and proverbs written and said about books such as: ‘Books are the treasure house of knowledge’, ‘Books are the best companion’, ‘Books are the way to the Truth’ and many more. A book written in pen makes it powerful and worth reading. Not every book is useful as some may teach wrong lessons; some books may be restricted or forbidden. So, it’s the pen which makes the book powerful. Such mighty, the pen is!

The power of pen can also be understood from the fact that one incorrect answer written in the answer sheet during exams, tests, etc might fall heavily on us. We are able to know about history, geography, religion, science, etc all by reading and pen plays an important role in letting the writer pen down the important knowledge and information for the generations to come.

History is the proof that writers have changed the world through their writings. Mahatma Gandhi, John Keats, Swami Vivekananda, William Wordsworth and many more have created magic through their writing. Pen has the power to break the demographic barriers or a book can be written in one country and can be read across the world. Writers through their preaching and knowledge fight against various social evils and bring transformation in the society.


Writing has the power of building or destroying the image of political leaders or actors, sports persons, etc. The writer must be really cautious and mindful about the strength of the pen and write wisely. No writer must display his/her personal grudge through writing. Writing can create peace during wars and may create wars during peace, since we all know that the ‘Pen is Mightier than the Sword’.

sheetal382: nice ans
Answered by SelieVisa


Respected Principal, teachers and my fellow student friends. Good morning to all of you. My name is John and I am a student of class VII. I am privileged to stand before you. My topic for this morning is "The pen is mightier than the sword".

"The pen is mightier than the sword" is a proverb which celebrates the power of writing and expresses the fact that scholars are more powerful with words than warriors with swords. The power of a pen is mightier than that of the sword, which means, the power of writing is stronger than the power of war, hatred, and conflict.

A sword is capable of conquering the physical but the pen can conquer the mind and the heart of people. The achievement of the pen is through enlightenment of minds and not by at force or bloodshed. The influence of a pen is long lasting but the power of the sword is short-lived. The achievement of great kings and emperors are long gone. But the writings of ancient philosophers, teachers and preachers continue live and speak to us even today.

A sword may seems strong and powerful and a pen weak and powerless. Yet, in the long run the power of the sword ends in destruction and ruins. Whereas the power of a pen yields positive values generation after generation. The sword of a king can rule only his kingdom but the pen of a writer rules the entire world. Written words are more powerful and more effective than weapons. While the power of sword ends with death, loss, and destruction, the power of a pen brings hope, inspiration, motivation and encouragement.

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