English, asked by niidhx1756, 1 year ago

Pen is mighter than the mouse essay upto 350 word


Answered by MohakBiswas


The classic proverb is pen is mightier than sword. But in the technology world we have to revise the proverb to "Pen is mightier than Mouse".

Now it is a technological world. Hardly you can find people without using gadgets. People keep running, get connected with people, the technology has shrink the globe.

Though the technology is advantageous, a pen can do more than what it does. A reporter use the pen to write the latest news; a writer uses his pen to show his creativity in terms of words; a judge use his pen to give the best judgement; These cannot be replaced by a technology.


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Answered by anindyaadhikari13



If we study history, we know how important role sword played to win a war. It played an important role back then and still it is given the same importance. On the other hand, pen is considered to be a very small and slow object. Holding sword in hand creates adrenaline rush. It is associated with great success but same cannot be said about pen cause it does not create that kind of adrenaline rush in the body and is also not known to bring any victory in wars, the way sword does. However, it is not true. The proverb "the pen is mightier than the sword" describes power of writing. Words written by a pen can influence millions of people and thus seems more powerful than a powerful sword. Sword cannot bring that kind of impact which words written by pen can and thus writers are considered to be more powerful than those warriors who fought numerous wars.

This sentence was coined by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. We often believe that force is essential and thus we feel that sword has more power and strength when compared with a pen. Pen is an expressive object and words influence people. A writer expresses public opinion as well as self opinion with the help of a pen and when this opinion connects with readers mind, it creates more influence than the sword which is used to fight and win in the war. Writer has written his opinion and it is not at all necessary that reader gets convinced by his opinions. However, it is a peaceful way to convey ones opinions to others. It is a peaceful means to open up and influence others rather than dominating others by shedding their blood and taking their lives. Sword forces views on others. It is used to oppress others. More than good, it does evil because of its enormous power.

Each and every thoughtful and peace loving person will prefer pen over sword. We do not need a sword to rule the world. Pen itself is sufficient for us to do so. No government can stand firmly in front of reasoning powers of pen. A weapon like sword needs someone who is physically fit to handle it but, pen create no such demands. Even a feeble man can lift it, record his thoughts and those words can influence millions of readers than that powerful mighty sword in hands of a powerful person. Sword was used to fight in revolution but today pen is used to bring revolution. Sword cannot evoke emotion except feeling of fear and hat-redness but pen can evoke all kinds of emotions. Since it follows path of non-violence, pen evokes lots of respect towards it.

History is written by the victors. A sword though mighty can only run through the chest. It does not inspire millions the way words written by a pen does. Words are powerful and offer means to meaning. Sword only brings destruction whereas pen creates something constructive. Then why do we bow down in front of sword which scares the hell out of us instead of pen which helps us to express ourselves as well as inspires us through words. Reason may be the mightiness of sword. When both pen and sword are kept together, sword takes the limelight. It creates sense of excitement. For a second, we do feel its power. However, once we deeply think about both of them, soon we will analyze and realize that sword can only influence life of one individual or group of them but pen though small influences the whole world and will continue to do same, no matter how many centuries pass.

Violence can never influence people but thoughts and words can. A blow with a sword does hurt. A blow with powerful words influences millions. Swords cannot build long-lasting kingdoms. Thoughts and words written by great writers have been successful in destroying dictatorship and monarchy of all those cruel kings who sucked the blood of laymen. Even today these words continue to fight against injustice. Powerful ideas itself helped us to come out of nomad living to civilization. We are different from rest of the living beings in this universe and this is because of our thinking abilities. We cannot claim ourselves superior on basis of physical strength because many more living beings are more physically strong when compared with us. We have the ability to think and pen down our thoughts and this is the reason we excel from others. Thus, it is not the sword but the pen which separates us from others. The sword might be mighty and powerful but cannot conquer millions of hearts and minds the way pen does.


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