Social Sciences, asked by 06tushargupta, 8 months ago

People as resource notes​


Answered by dan6686


People as Resource is a way of referring to a country’s working people in terms of their existing productive skills and abilities. Like other resources, the population is also considered as a human resource. When the existing ‘human resource’ is further developed by becoming more educated and healthy, it is called human capital formation. Investment in human capital (through education, training, medical care) yields a return just like investment in physical capital.

Answered by aaronharis30

2. How is human resources different from other resources like land and physical capital? Human capital is in one way superior to other resources like land and physical capital: human resource can make use of land and capital with their knowledge. They add to the productive power of the country where as land and capital cannot become useful on its own.

3. What is the role of education in human capital formation?

Education opens a new horizon for us, providing new aspirations and develop values of life. Education contributes towards the growth of society also. It enhances the national income, cultural richness and increases the efficiency of governance.

4. What is the role of health in human capital formation?

The health of a person helps him to realize his potential and the ability to fight illness. Health increases the efficiency of the worker. It increases the earning capacity. Health provides uninterrupted labour supply. Health is an indispensable basis for realizing one’s well- being.

5. What are the various activities undertaken in the Primary sector, Secondary sector and Tertiary sector?

Ans:-The various activities have been classified in to three main sectors- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.

A). Primary sector includes agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishing, poultry, farming, mining and quarrying.

B). Manufacturing is included in the Secondary sector.

C). Trade, transport, communication, banking, education, health, tourism, services, insurance etc. are included in the Tertiary sector.

6. What is the difference between economic activities and non-economic activities? Economic activities are also called market activities. Market activities involve remuneration to anyone who performs i.e., activity performed for pay or profit. These include production of goods or services including government service.

Non-market activities are the production for self-consumption. These can be consumption and processing of primary product and own account production of fixed assets.

7 .Why are women employed in low paid work?

Education and skill are the major determinants of the earning of any individual in the market. A majority of women have meagre education and low skill formation. Women are paid low compared to men. Most women work where job security is not there. Various activities relating to legal protection is meagre. Employment in this sector is characterized by irregular and low income.

8. Explain the term Unemployment.

Unemployment is said to exist when people who are willing to work at the going wages can not find jobs.

In India we have unemployment in rural and urban areas.

In rural areas there is seasonal and disguised unemployment. Urban areas have mostly educated unemployment.

9 .What is the difference between disguised unemployment and seasonal unemployment? Disguised unemployment

In case of disguised unemployment people appear to be employed. They have agricultural plot where they find work. This usually happens among family members engaged in agricultural activity. The work requires the service of five people but engages eight people.

Three people are extra. These three people also work in same plot as the others. The contribution made by the three extra peoples does not add to the contribution made by the five people. If three people are removed the productivity of the field will not decline.

Seasonal unemployment

Seasonal unemployment happens when people are not able to find jobs during some months of the year. People dependent upon agriculture usually face such kind of problem. There are certain seasons when sowing, harvesting, weeding and threshing is done.

10. Why is educated unemployed a peculiar problems in India?

In case of urban areas educated unemployment has become a common phenomenon. Many youth with matriculation, graduation and post-graduation degree are not able to find job.

A paradoxical manpower situation is witnessed as surplus of manpower in certain categories coexist with shortage of manpower in others. There is unemployment among technically qualified person on one hand, while there is a dearth of technical skills required for economic growth .A paradoxical manpower situation is witnessed as surplus of manpower in certain categories coexist with shortage of manpower in others. There is unemployment among technically qualified person on one hand, while there is a dearth of technical skills required for economic growth.

11. Can you suggest some measures in the education system to mitigate the problem of the educated unemployed?

Educational institution should focus on imparting job oriented education Impart vocational education.

Structure of education should be catering the employment marketing. Provide educational counseling to identify their area of interest.



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