Economy, asked by tashilama219, 1 year ago

people as Resource.
why is human. Sesource Superior to any
- desaerces. Explain with the help of three Gramrat
What does
educated parent mean? Explain?
Cycle Created
3 How have the various activities been classified
into sectors? Give one cocample from each sector
What is the
Ceepo economy
can improve
Significance of health in an
? State two provisions of the
National Health
Policy of India.
Describe the role of human Capital in the
Production process Name two investment that
quality of human Capital
Analyse the
role of education in the formation
of human Capital
On what factors does the quality a population
depend? How does education enhance the quality
Panulation ? Explain?​


Answered by Anonymous


Human resource makes use of other resources like land and physical capital to produce an output. The other resources cannot become useful on their own. This is the reason why human resource is considered to be superior to the other resources.

Educated parents invest more heavily on the education of their child. This is because they have realised the importance of education as they themselves are educated. They are also conscious of proper nutrition and hygiene. ... In is way a virtuous cycle is created by the educated parents.

Various activities can be classified into 3 sectors- primary, secondary and tertiary.

Provisions of the National Health Policy of India are:

Improvement of access to healthcare, particulary for rural people is provided. It focuses on family welfare and runs various family health programs. It provides nutritional services, particulary for the underprivileged sections

Primary - Craft business

secondary - industrial works

tertiary - self employed such as doc. engg. etc

In human capital ,investment Provides higher income and production because it can co-ordinate all resources together to achieve the optimum amount of production. It is the knowledge and Enterprise required to put together all inputs to produce output.

The quality of population depends upon the literacy rate, health of a person indicated by life expectancy and skill formation acquired by the people of the country. The quality of the population ultimately decides the growth rate of the country. Illiterate and unhealthy population are a liability for the economy.


hope it's helpful

don't forget to mark as brainliest.....

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