People of Khejadli village take good care of plants, trees and animals. They say that plants and animals can survive without us, but we cannot survive without them. Inspired by her elders Amrita marked some land for her pets and plants. Find: (i) the area of the whole land (ii) the area allotted for camel and plants (iii) the area allotted for ox (iv) the area of the remaining land.

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Refraction is the bending of a light or sound wave, or the way the light bends when entering the eye to form an image on the retina. An example of refraction is a bending of the sun's rays as they enter raindrops, forming a rainbow. An example of refraction is a prism.

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A room in hospital which contains an operating table or similar device, generally accommodating one patient at a time, during which, under the direct supervision of a medical or dental practitioner, the patient undergoes an operative procedure for the prevention, cure, relief or diagnosis of disease, or in pregnancy, childbirth.
I had asked would you like to be my friend !? Even I'm a stay (◠‿◕)I'm OT8 + Lee know

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