English, asked by rajendraprasadsaini4, 2 months ago

Peoples’ faces light up when I say I taste chocolate for a living, but it is not always delicious. I also have to taste defective chocolate, which might have a bitter or burnt flavor. I’m usually in a small room, not allowed to talk, and parked in front of a computer to log information. Sometimes the room has red lighting to disguise the appearance of the chocolate, so I can evaluate it only by taste, not appearance. I can sample as many as 30 chocolates per day, so as to keep my palate active, I spit the sweets back out. That’s another not-so-glamorous part of the job. Between samples, I wait 30 seconds to let my senses rest, and I chew half an unsalted cracker biscuit and drink plain warm water, as carbonated water and ice numb one’s senses.
First, I smell the chocolate and log its aroma. I also listen: if chocolate doesn’t sound crisp when broken, it may be a sign it’s old or was improperly stored. Then I place one-inch bit in my mouth and leave it there for a few seconds. I press it against my palate and let it melt, recording the four basic tastes—sweet, sour, bitter and salty. Then I blow out short puffs of air through my nose. Certain sense receptors in the back of our head are stimulated by oxygen. They allow us to smell food when we chew. Exhaling sharpy can bring out aromas like berry, mushroom, tea, citrus, beeswax, toast, cinnamon and savory spices that are sometimes too subtle for the nose to catch. I log these attributes, too, along with the texture.
i. People get surprised when the narrator tells them that he:
1 point
a. Is a chocolate taster
b. Has to work under red light
c. Has to eat bitter chocolate
d. Has to work in a small room.
ii. There is no glamour in his job as:
1 point
a. He has to blow out short puffs
b. He keeps on spitting out chocolate
c. His place of work is narrow
d. He never ate burnt chocolate
iii. The narrator cannot eat and enjoy the chocolate:
1 point
a. As it has not been stored properly
b. As it is defective
c. To keep his palate active
d. As it has a burnt flavor
iv. The process of chocolate tasting runs in the order of ……… and again Smelling.
1 point
a. Breaking, smelling, listening, melting
b. Breaking, listening, smelling, melting
c. Smelling breaking, listening, melting
d. Melting, listening, breaking, smelling
v. “Leave it there.” When the above sentence is changed into passive voice it becomes:
1 point
a. Let it was left there
b. It is left there
c. It was left there
d. Let it be left there
vi. “People faces light up…” The word ‘light’ here is a/an
1 point
a. Adverb
b. Noun
c. Verb
d. Adjective
vii. The word ‘parked’ means:
1 point
a. Ran
b. Managed
c. Operated
d. Seated
viii. The word ‘log’ means:
1 point
a. Taste
b. Record
c. Cut
d. Enjoy​


Answered by srip19235


i) c.








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