Perbezaan stereoscopic dan monokular
Realism – monoscopic vs stereoscopic VR
With monoscopic VR, 1 image is directed to both eyes, just like a regular image or video. With stereoscopic VR, there are 2 images, 1 for each eye. Stereoscopic VR more closely resembles the way we view the real world.
During filming, stereoscopic VR utilises 2 lenses for each angle as apposed to 1. The 2 lenses represent the human eyes and they capture similar information. The 2 lenses have slightly different angles, just like human eyes. This is known as interpupillary distance (the distance between your pupils) .
By viewing the same scene from 2 different eye positions, the brain can calculate depth. Using the VR Camera to mimic human eye positions, stereoscopic VR creates a sense of 3D depth in 360 videos, with objects appearing nearer or further away.