PERFORMANCE TASK 1: DO-IT-YOURSELF-MICROSCOPE M PERFORMANCE STANDARD: To employ appropriate techniques using the compound microscope to gather data about very small objects Objective: To create your own microscope with this simple project to gather data about very small objects Pe th Directions: Read the instructions in a Do-It-Yourself Science Project below. Follow each step. Describe your output in your portfolio answer sheet PREPARE THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS: (Medicine dropper, Purple Onion peel, Plastic cover, Clear tape, 2 pencils, Water) Note: This project works best with a white piece of paper or surface under the homemade microscope. PROCEDURE: 1. Set two pencils down parallel from each other. Make them about 2-3 inches apart as the length of your slides to keep things easy 2. Stick a long piece of tape over the two pencils and to the table on either side of the pencils to hold the tape tightly between the two pencils like a bridge. 3. Don't touch the sticky side of the tape or you will ruin the microscope. Drop a small drop of water onto the top of the tape using the pipette or medicine dropper. 4. Make 3-4 lines of tape and add a different sized drop to each one. This will help determine what size of water droplet produces the biggest magnification 5. Prepare a rectangular shape of plastic cover. Put a small slice of onion. Slide the rectangular shape of the plastic cover with the small slice of onion under the pieces of tape and observe the size of the onion on different droplets. Write your observations on the table below. No. of drops Observation da ustians.
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