Science, asked by anshikabadala2, 5 months ago

Periodic Assessment Test
Std – 8 Science January-2021 Time : 1 Hour Marks: 25
L.O.- Learning Outcome
L.O. Classifies the substance and organisms based on their properties, composition and function.
Q-1 State whether the contact force or non–contact force is responsible in the following 05 incidents.
1) Reshmapushesthetabletochangeitsposition.
2) Nimisharubstwoballoonswithapaper.Whilemovingoneballooncloserto
the other balloon, the other balloon gets away from the first balloon.
3) Anilputsonemagnetonthesurfaceoftheglassandslowlymovestheother magnet closer to the magnet placed on the surface of glass. The magnet placed
on the surface of the glass moves backwards.
4) Nayanaliftsabucketfullofwater.
5) Arubberballfallsoffthetable.
L.O. Carries
Q-2 Do as directed.
out simple checks to get answers to the questions.
1) Whyareweabletohearwithourears? 02
2) Whichtricksdoyouusetoreducepressureineverydayactivities? 03 L.O. Links process and events to causes.
Q-3 Give scientific reasons.
1) Weshouldnottakejunkfoodorpackedfoodasaregularmeal. 03 2) Treesshouldbeplantedonbothsidesoftheroad. 02
L.O. Explains processes and events. Q-4 Answer the following questions.
1) A truck that is stopped on the road has to be pushed hard to get into motion. 02 When the truck is moving a little, it can be moved faster with a smaller /less push. Why?
2) The shape of an aeroplane is not kept the same as the shape of the bus. Why? 03
L.O. Applies learnt scientific concepts in everyday life.
Q-5 Answer the following questions.
1) As a football player, you would choose to wear a flat bottom shoes or shoes 03
with nails to play on the fields. Why?
2) Should girls cook during menstrual days or not? Why? 02


Answered by pooja6069


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