Science, asked by hemangiapte6, 1 year ago

peripatus is said to be a connecting link between annelida and arthropoda​


Answered by abdur18


Peripatus is a primitive arthropod having jointed paired legs, compound eyes and tracheas like other arthropods but also displays certain annelidan characteristics, such as worm-like segmented body, non-chitinous cuticle and segmental nephridia. Thus, it forms a connecting link between Annelida and Arthropoda .

Answered by princessdikshu06


Peripatus shows segmented body, thin cuticle, and parapodia-like organs. These characters are typical of Annelids. Similaryl, it also shows tracheal respiration and open circulatory system which is a characteristic feature of Arthopos. Since peripatus shares both these characters, it is said to be a connecting link between Annelida and Arthopoda.

Hope it helps....

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