permanent executive is expected to political neural as well as politically expected
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a) political executive, b) permanent executive. The politicalexecutive exercises power by virtue of its elections and the constitutionalposition. Theoretically they derive power from the people. The permanentexecutive derives its strength partly from its administrative positions but largelyfrom its technical expertise. As the political executive represents the people andmodern governments are based on the concept of popular sovereignty, thepermanent executive is subordinated to the political executive. In fact in theparliamentary system of government, the political executive is responsible to thelegislature which in turn is accountable to the people. In this arrangement there isalso judiciary to ensure that the governance is based on the constitutionalprovisions on the one hand and the executive, both politiczil and permanent,confirm and enforce the laws passed by the legislatures without violating theirspirit. While it would be interesting to study the relationship between the variousbranches of government, the scope of this discussion is conf
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