perpair a report on cromatin
Answer :-
Composition and Structure
Chromatin is composed of a cell's DNA and associated proteins. Histone proteins and DNA are found in approximately equal mass in eukaryotic chromatin, and nonhistone proteins are also in great abundance. The basic unit of organization of chromatin is the nucleosome, a structure of DNA and histone proteins that repeats itself throughout an organism's genetic material.
Histones are highly conserved basic proteins, whose positively charged character helps them to bind the negatively charged phosphate backbone of DNA. There are five histone proteins in the family: H1, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. Two H3 and two H4 proteins form a tetramer, which combines with two H2A/H2B dimers to form the disk-shaped histone core. Approximately 150 bp of DNA wrap around this protein structure almost twice to make a nucleosome core particle. With linker histone (e.g., histone H1) and linker DNA, this is called the nucleosome. The linker DNA can vary in length, usually between 10 and 90 bp, depending on the species, gene activity, developmental stage, and other factors. The nucleosome repeats approximately every 200 bp and is close to 10 nm in diameter. The X-ray crystal structure of the nucleosome core particle was derived in 1997. The core histones each have a central fold, which lies within the DNA, and an unstructured N-terminal tail, which protrudes outside the core. The tail extensions of histone H3 in particular are very long and are held in place by nucleosome–nucleosome interactions.
The nucleosome is the most basic unit of structure of chromatin, but the chromatin is even further organized by folding into a higher-order structure. Early evidence for this came from the observation that in vitro, when chromatin is treated with salt, the overall chromatin structure falls apart and the nucleosomes resemble ‘beads on a string.’ In addition, in solutions of salt with concentrations comparable with physiological conditions, chromatin is usually seen in a thicker structure (30 nm fiber) than would be expected by a string of nucleosomes. In the ‘solenoid’ model of chromatin folding, each nucleosome associates with one H1 protein and a group of six nucleosomes is turned into a spiral shape (see Figure 1). The structure of the nucleosome predicts that interactions between histone tails and nucleosomes may also play a role in the coiling of chromatin fibers. During cell division, further compaction of DNA occurs when the chromatin is condensed into chromosomes in prophase. As it is very difficult to organize and move large amounts of chromatin fiber, this condensation is necessary for the cell to be able to properly segregate chromosomes in mitosis and meiosis. Though all of the proteins necessary for this process have not been identified, the condensin complex is a group of proteins that is essential for the proper condensation of chromosomes. It is thought that compaction may involve the 30-nm chromatin, forming loops extending from a proteinaceous scaffold composed of nonhistone proteins, though there may be even more complex mechanisms of condensation
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