English, asked by himrankhan1234, 4 months ago

Personal Response

Write the problems of the farmer in your own words.​


Answered by shrinikpreddy


As an agricultural country in the main, we need to understand the farmer’s problems in detail like China, India, and Australia. We have to provide food, jobs, and chances of advancement to more than 70 percent of our people who live in the villages.

What is it that does not let our farmers produce as much as their counterparts (persons doing the same jobs) in the advanced countries like the US, Canada, and Australia are doing? First and foremost is their problem of not knowing the best techniques and methods of farming and not having the latest machines and equipment. It is because they are uneducated and are not in contact with those well-informed about these.

Secondly, poverty and lack of resources is the second major problem of our farmers. In fact, poverty, ignorance, and immobility to use modern farm machinery and techniques go hand in hand with our farmers. Without the purchasing power, how can a farmer get the modern machinery even when he is told or instructed about it? The problem can be overcome and solved if the government takes away the property, lands, and capital in possession of the biggest landowners and uses them for the betterment of the farmers.

Answered by siddusiddarth9731433



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