Personal Responses
Mobile is the need of the hour' - explain
Smartphones both have advantages and disadvantages to our society including:
Time Saving: The ability to do so many different things on one device (from checking your email, texting friends, checking the weather and news, making appointments, make bank transcations, etc.
Safety: We are able to trace our friends and family thanks to numerous Apps such as FindMyFriends to make sure they are safe. And walking home alone late at night is no longer needed ordering taxis (Uber, Lyft, Hailo), has never been easier.
Accesible information: There is almost nothing that can´t be done with a smartphone. It basically a portable mini computer.
GPS Navigation: Smartphones allow you to find wherever you need to go at the touch of a button. No need for old fashioned paper maps like back in the day and checking your compass for east and west. You can even map out routes for your latest run schedule.
Efficiency: One of the things that make smartphones so vital to our daily lives is their efficiency. The speed with which you can do tasks on a smartphone is almost unparalleled. It allows you to get work done and communicate with people even whilst you’re on the move.