English, asked by arvind1230, 1 year ago

Personal safety on road about 250 to 300 lines


Answered by tiashasha

personal safety on road is very important.

do or don't
- we should wear helmet while riding a bike or scooter.
- we should follow trafic rules.
- we should cross the road by zebra crossing.
- we shouldn't overtake vehicle.
- we should go in lane.
- while turning left or right we should indicate before turn left or right.
- we shouldn't climb on a moving bus.
- we shouldn't play on road.
- before crossing the road we should first look left and right.
Answered by swapnil756
Hello friend
In today's modern era, road accidents are a common matter. In fact, increasing number of vehicles and road safety is a major problem for India today. The main reason for such accidents on the road is to ignore road traffic rules by the people. Driving fast, driving into drunk driving and driving in the wrong direction are the main vices of accidents. Most of the casualties are due to negligence of drivers. Most of these drugs are consumed by taking intoxicants.

In road accidents in the country, 80% of the accidents are due to the fault of the driver, therefore, to prevent accidents, the most attention should be to repair the fault of the drivers. More and more drivers should be trained.

Follow the traffic rules for Road Safety only then road accidents can be stopped. The biggest victim of road accidents is the young class. Road accident can not be considered to be destined to stop the road accident in our hands. For this, there are some rules for walking on the road, building speed limits, seat belts, not using mobile phones during driving, wear helmets, do not add drunk, but also strictly adhere to all these  rules For this, place on the streets - large-scale camera should be installed, speed measurement machines, driving on intoxicant vehicle should be canceled. 

Keeping the road safety in mind, the footpath should always be used while walking. If you do not have footpath there, always go to the left side of the road.

Crossing the road as soon as the Green Siganl crosses the road, as directed by the traffic police.

While walking on the road, mobile phones should not be used and if you want to use mobile, then stop by looking at a safe place.

Road accidents can be avoided only by road awareness.
Hope it will help you


Swapnil756   Apprentice Moderator
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