PESTEL analysis on urban companies
Pestle stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technology, Legal, and Environmental. These are the factors that are considered when this model is used to analyze any company's working. You might have come across Pestle, Pestel, and Pest at various sites, blogs, or write-ups, but do not get confused; they all use the same reference except for the factors considered and the order in which they are confused.
There are numerous other models as well that are used for this purpose, but Pestle is most popular and commonly used because:
It is detailed and provides a clear idea.
It emphasizes only the external factors.
It covers a wide range of factors than other models.
Below are two examples for your better understanding:
1) Zara case study
zara, the leading fashion retailer everyone loves, experienced a bit rough start in the early 6 months of 2020. The sudden pandemic led to a fall in the sales, causing a loss to the company, but gradually, they shifted more attention to online sales, which helped it recover from the loss. If you want a detailed pestle study on this, you can seek the Zara case study help. Our writers will make sure you get a detailed document on this topic.
2) Nike case study
Nike has always been known for its fashion, style, and comfort. Even in the pandemic situation of 2020, Nike has experienced successful spikes in its sales. The increase in the awareness created among people for workouts and healthy living in the lockdown can be a great reason behind this. If you seek Nike case study help from our experts, they will provide you with a well-drafted analysis on this.