Pests may be target _, _, and _.
Forensic science
it can target
Alfalfa Alfalfa weevil, armyworms, aphids, potato leafhoppers.
Brassica Vegetables (Cole Crops)
(Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Kale, Rutabaga, Turnips, etc.)
Cabbage maggot, aphids
Citrus Scale insects, mealybug, Asian citrus psyllid, rust mite, citrus leaf miner, katydids.
Corn, Field Corn rootworm, cutworm, white grub, European corn borer
Corn, Sweet corn earworm, armyworms, corn rootworm (larvae and adult), cutworms, seed corn maggot, wireworms
Cotton Cotton aphid, Lygus bug, armyworms, pnk bollworm
Grapes Mealybugs, cutworms, ants
Mint mint root borer
Onions Onion maggot
Peanuts Lesser cornstalk borer, corn rootworms, white mold
Pome Fruits
(Apples, Pears)
San Jose scale, rosy apple aphid, pandemis leafroller, oblique-banded leafroller, climbing cutworms, American plum borer
Soybeans Soybean aphid, bean leaf beetle, grasshoppers, spider mites
Stone Fruits
(Peaches, Nectarines, Cherries, Plums)
San Jose scale, peach twig borer, peaach twig borer, peach tree borer, lesser peach tree borer, American plum borer
Sugar Beets cutworm, wireworm, sugarbeet root maggot, armyworms, grasshoppers
Sweet Potatoes Wireworms, southern corn rootworm, flea beetles
Tree nuts
(Almonds, Pecans, Walnuts, etc.)
San Jose scale, peach twig borer, navel orangeworm, codling moth, walnut husk fly, walnut aphid, pecan nut casebearer, black pecan aphid
Wheat Aphids, grasshoppers, orange wheatblossom midge