English, asked by raghu645, 9 months ago

Peter, the bank manager, together with two members of the board, were taken in the night to prison. The day after the upheaval, the merchant Andrew, who was one of the auditors, was sitting in the shop. "You d better look out, Andrew, that you don't get punished too?" his friends observed. "What has it to do with me'? said Andrew. The friend replied, "Why, they were stealing, and what were you auditors doing? You sighed the audit." "Sighed it, indeed! Said Andrew. They used to bring the accounts to me and I signed them. I hadn't time to go into the details." When Andrew reached home, his son, Vassily, seemed agitated. "What's the matter?" asked Andrew. "The examining magistrate had just been with the police, answered Vassily; 'they 've made a search." Andrew looked round him. The cupboards, the chest, the tables - everything bore traces of the recent search. For a minute Andrew stood motionless as though petrified, unable to understand; his left leg went numb, and, unable to endure his trembling, he lay down flat on the sofa. In the course of to minutes he recalled the whole of his past, but could not remember any crime deserving the attention of the police. He was convinced that he had been slandered. Next morning he hurried to the town hall to see the secretary, whom he asked. "People have been stealing, but how am I involved?" "Because one shouldn't be a sheep," the secretary answered. "Before you sign you ought to look." "But if I were to look at those accounts for a thousand years I could not make head or tail of them! It's all Greek to me! l am no book-keeper. They used to bring them to me and I signed them," said Andrew. "Excuse me. Apart from that you and your committee are seriously compromised. You borrowed nineteen thousand from the bank, giving no security" said the secretary. Andrew replied:" I pay the interest and I shall repay the debts. Besides, it wasn't I myself borrowed the money. Peter force it upon me."Take it, he said, 'take it. If you don't take it," he said. 'it means that you don't trust us and fight shy of us. You take it,' he said, and build your father a mill'. So I took it." After protracted, harassing delays, the trial came up and it lasted for ten days, Throughout the trial Andre sat among his companions in misfortune with the stolid composure of an innocent man, who is suffering for no fault of his own; he listened and did not understand a word. After the end of the trial, Andrew learnt that he has been sentenced to exile. And that did not frighten nor amaze him either. He fancied for some reason that the trial was not yet over, that there were more adjournments to come, and that the final decision had not been reached. He went on in the prison expecting this final decision every day. a. i. Given below are four words or phrases. Find the words which have a similar meaning in the passage: [2 marks] 1. Disruption 2. Worried 3. Stunned 4. Did something against principles. b. For each of the words given below write a sentence of atleat 10 words, using the same​


Answered by therasacurie


create account of the year again when we all pledge of education in India why did you bring your own script in the future of education

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