pharmaceutical buffer system could be categorised into 1,2,3,and none
-2017 — 2. Pharmaceutical buffer system could be categorizes into. (a) 1. (b) 2 (c ) 3. (d) none of these. Ans. (b). 3. Fluoride inhibits ...
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3 Buffer System
Three types of Pharmaceutical Buffer System are as follows-
Carbonic acid bicarbonate Buffer System-
• It plays very important role in maintainance of pH homeostasis of the blood.
• It converts strong acids to weak acid (carbonic acid) and strong base to weak base(bicarbonate ion).
Phosphate Buffer System-
• It consists of phosphoric acid equal quantity with dihydrogen phosphate and hydrogen ion.
• pKa value for phosphate buffer is 6.8 and it plays minute role in blood.
Protein Buffer System-
• It helps in maintaining acidity inside and outside the cells.
• Proteins that contains amino acid Histidine is good at buffering.