Photoshop is written in which programming language
Like most programs at that time it was written in high level language(PASCAL) with the parts that need to be fast in Assembly. Often the Assembly was written one instruction at a time without benefit of a compiler.
Working with either the monochrome or CGA memory maped screen on the early PC’s was easy. It was an Array with even short int being text and odd short int the attribute.
In 1986 I wrote the screen library for an IBM XT in Borland C that ran 85% as fast at Microsoft BIOS calls. Don’t ask me why that’s what they paid me to do. The rules were no BIOS calls no Assembly. One guy didn't like using arrays rather than pointers but it saved 1 machine cycle on every call. Also there was no penalty for odd indexing so using an short int all the same functions worked for the screen attributes as well as the text by moving over buy 1.
A clever fellow could do wonders in Assembly.
Photoshop is written in C++