Phrase,clause and sentence
A phrase is a group of words which does not make sense on it's own. It needs some other phrase to form a complete meaning .
A clause is a group of phrases which may/may not form complete sentence. There are 2 types of clauses:-Independent clause and dependent clause. An independent clause is a clause which makes complete sense and can stand on its own. It has a meaning. A dependent clause is a clause which does not make sense on its own and needs an independent clause to make sense.
A sentence is a group of clauses which express a complete thought . It contains either an independent clause and a dependent clause or 2 independent clauses. There are 3 types of sentences:- Simple, Compound and Complex sentences. A simple sentence is a sentence which contains one independent clause. For example:-Sheena likes to eat. A compound sentence contains 2 independent clauses joined by FANBOYS(for, and. nor, but, or, yet and so).Exception:- some other words can also be used like because. For eg: Sheena loves mealtimes because she loves to eat. Here "Sheena loves mealtimes" and "She loves to eat" are 2 independent clause joined by because. A complex sentence contains an independent clause with a dependent clause joined by a subordinating conjunction(that,lest etc.). For eg:Sheena always repeats that she loves to eat. Here"Sheena always repeats " is a dependent clause and "She loves to eat" is an independent clause and it is joined together by a subordinating conjunction 'that'. In the format of a complex sentence it is not important that a dependent clause has to be at the first and the subordinating conjunction has to be at the middle.
Hope this is clear