Phylum aschelminthes?
What is that
→ Body shape is circular in cross-section, hence, the name roundworms.
→ Habitat - They may be free living, aquatic and terrestrial or parasitic in plants and animals.
→ Level of organization - organ-system level of body organization and triploblastic.
→ Symmetry is bilaterally symmetrical.
→ Body Cavity - Pseudocoelomate animals.
→ Digestive system - Alimentary canal is complete with a well developed muscular pharynx.
→ Excretion - An excretory tube removes body wastes from the body cavity through the excretory pore.
→ Reproduction is unisexual or dioecious. Also show sexual dimorphism, females are longer than males.
→ Fertilisation is internal.
→ Development is direct, the young ones resemble the adult or indirect where larvae is present.
→ Examples:- Ascaris, Wuchereria, Ancylostoma.